Organization: Human Rights & Justice Group International
Registration deadline: 17 Nov 2016
Starting date: 18 Nov 2016
Ending date: 17 Dec 2016
Course Description:
This course is designed to prompt an exploration of common behaviours and attitudes towards gender differences. It will present facts and figures about the situation of women and men in our society today – and references from key documents that highlight policies formulated to address gender concerns. Recent events have shown that if governments are serious about achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG’s, it is essential that gender be taken into account for all the goals. Gender equality in the SDGs touches almost exclusively on the area of education, and research does show the importance of equality in this area, but this is not sufficient. This e-learning course will empower the participants with tools and sector-specific guidelines for gender mainstreaming in their various institutions and development planning. It will further improve the abilities of participants to reduce gender inequalities in their various homes, organisation and communities.
The course also features a number of exercises and reflective activities designed to explore basic gender concepts and enhance gender analysis skills, which can be applied in the formulation of policies, the design of programmes, and the exercise of evaluation.
The overall purpose of the training programme is to enhance the gender-responsive planning of key institutions and the management skills of their employees, so that they can more effectively play their part in implementing gender-sensitive development policies as well as mainstreaming gender in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG’s.
Course Content:
This one month part-time course comprises 7 modules. The module outline is included below:
PRE – Training
- Introductory Course in the Online Training System
- Course navigation and guide
- Explanation of course resources
MODULE 1: Introduction to Gender and Development
- Introduction
- Definition of Gender
- The Concept of Gender and Development
- Gender Dynamics and Development
- Exploring Attitudes towards Gender
- Basic Gender Concepts and Terminology
- Social Construction of Gender
- Course Review and Assignment
MODULE 2: Gender Roles and Relations
- Introduction
- Gender Roles
- Types of Gender Roles
- Gender Roles and Relationships Matrix
- Gender-based Division and Valuation of Labour
- Course Review and Assignment
MODULE 3: Gender Development Issues
- Introduction
- Identifying Gender Issues
- Gender Sensitive Language
- Gender and Governance
- Gender and Human Rights
- Gender Statistics
- Course Review and Assignment
MODULE 4: Gender Analysis and Policy Development
- Introduction to Gender Analysis
- Why Gender Analysis
- Variables used in Generating Data
- Gender Analysis Frameworks
- Gender Analysis Tools
- How to do a Gender Analysis
- How to do a Gendered Analysis
- Gender and Policy Development
- Emerging Lessons on Mainstreaming Gender in National Policy Frameworks
- Course Review and Assignment
Module 5: Gender Mainstreaming
- Definition of Gender Mainstreaming
- Gender Mainstreaming as a Strategy
- Historic Overview of Gender Mainstreaming
- The Concept of Gender Mainstreaming
- Approaches to Gender Mainstreaming and Integration
- Methods and Strategies of Gender Mainstreaming
- The Role of Men in Gender Mainstreaming
- Challenges to Effective Gender Mainstreaming
- Gender Mainstreaming and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Gender Mainstreaming Best practices
- Course Review and Assignment
MODULE 6: Gender Monitoring and Evaluation
- Gender Monitoring and Evaluation
- Integrating a Gender Dimension into Monitoring and Evaluation
- Course Review and Assignment
Module 7: Final Examination and Wrap-up
- Final Examination
- Participants Evaluation of Course/Feedback
- Conclusion
Additional Features
• Online, interactive, self-paced and self-learning modules.
• Surveys and tests to test your knowledge and understanding before and after the test.
• Opportunity to post comments, assignment answers, live chat, and blogging etc.
Target Audience
The course is aimed at gender focal points, women organisations, programs and project managers, researchers, policy-makers, activists, women advocates and feminists, students, staff of NGOs and CBOs, staff of UN specialized agencies, donor agency field workers, volunteers, development actors, trainers, students, government officials etc. Candidates should have a good written command of English language and high competence and comfort with computer and internet use.
Entry Requirement:
Students must have a current e-mail account, regular access to and general familiarity with the internet and mobile phones.
Course Delivery:
Interaction with students will be via the Global Human Rights Leadership Training Institute training platform and all course notes and guidelines for study will be delivered and accessible to students in electronic format. (
All the course modules is available to the students at the inception of the course. At the end of each module, an assignment is completed by the students and marked by the course experts. Assignments are in the form of written assignments.
Award of the Certificates:
Statistics from previous courses showed that submission of assignments and receiving online tutoring help participants to integrate gender in their various activities. Certificates can be awarded only to those students who:
1) Completed all assignments and Final Exam
2) Obtain a combined final mark of 50% or more for the assignments and Final Exam
Successful students will receive the GHRLTI Certification in Gender Development Training.
Location: Online
Total Duration: One month, approximately 25 hours learning time
Inquiries about the course or request for application form may be sent to: OR
Human Rights and Justice Group Int’l
Nigeria: 53, Western Avenue, P.O.Box 3326, Surulere, 101014, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +234-8034923400, 08097627319
U.S.A.: 1208 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 4, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138
E-mail: |Website:
How to register:
Registration is by submitting a completed application form to However, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. You can also download application form at
Inquiries about the course may be sent to: OR