Organization: Human Rights & Justice Group International
Registration deadline: 31 Jan 2017
Starting date: 07 Feb 2017
Ending date: 15 Mar 2017
Course Description/Background
This advance certificate course is designed for individuals who wish to develop further skills in grant proposal writing. This online training is to build the capacity of individuals and personnel in organisations to increase their confidence to secure grant funding by learning how to develop a conceptual framework for seeking grant funding that aligns with perspectives and priorities unique to their organisations as well as their funder. In addition, this course will instill confidence in their ability to facilitate proposal development meetings.
Course Objectives
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
- To understand the concept and importance of resource mobilisation
- To understand the concept and rationale of proposal writing
- To identify various steps in proposal writing
- To develop and package a wining proposal
Course Benefit
The overall purpose of this training programme is to enhance the capacity and skills of individuals and key institutions and their employees, so that they can more effectively develop and mobilise resources through resource mobilisation and proposal writing.
Course Outline/Modules
This course is divided into 13 modules. Each module will have a learning objective and study activities.
PRE – Training
- Introductory Course in the Online Training System
- Course navigation and guide
- Explanation of course resources
Module 1: Introduction to Resource Mobilisation
- Introduction
- The concept of resource mobilisation
- Steps to successful resource mobilisation
- Sources of resources mobilisation
- Need for resource mobilisation
- The importance of diversifying funding sources
- Assignment
Module 2: Pre-proposal writing
- Introduction
- Concept of proposal writing
- Responding to request for proposals (RFP)
- Issues in writing proposals
- Before writing a proposal
- Key steps in proposal writing
- Assignment
Module 3: Writing Executive summary
- Introduction
- Executive Summary
- Five crucial elements of an executive summary
- Hint on writing the executive summary
- Assignment
Module 4: Introduction of the Organisation (Describes your organization and its qualifications for funding)
- Description of your organization’s mission, accomplishments, and programs
- Description of members and clients
- Backgrounder on the management team and staff
- Past achievements of your organization
- Brief description of the area that will benefit your project
- Is your introduction brief and interesting?
- Assignment
Module 5: Background/Problem Statement
- Purposes and goals of the organization
- With statistical facts and figures
- Possibly with support and endorsement by credible agencies
- What benefits are there for members or beneficiaries?
- Are your assessments realistic and attainable?
- Assignment
Module 6: Goals and Objectives of the Project
- Objectives describing the outcome of the grant program
- Goals should be related to the need and the target beneficiaries
- Backgrounder on the area that will benefit from the grant
- Target time table when objectives will be met
- Are your objectives specific and measurable?
- Assignment
Module 7: Project Methodology
- Activities related to problems and objectives
- Scope of the project
- Description of program activities
- List of activities
- List of people involved in the activities and their responsibilities
- Time table for each activity
- Assignment
Module 8: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- What is monitoring and Evaluation?
- Development of M&E plan
- Monitoring and Evaluation cycle
- Understanding Monitoring and Evaluation Tools
- Personnel involved in monitoring and evaluation
- Data collection and analysis
- Feedback mechanism
- Assignment
Module 9: Project Proposal Budgeting
- Did you follow general accounting principles?
- Is your budget realistic and reflects the work plan?
- Is it specific, realistic, and detailed?
- Is it sufficient to cover the cost of the project as described in the narrative?
- Assignment
Module 10: Project Sustainability **
- How the project will be sustained after the end of funding
- Details on how other funds will be obtained, if necessary, to implement the project
- Assignment
Module 11: Assembling Supporting Documents (Appendices)
- Verification of tax‐exempt status
- Certificate of Incorporation and By‐Laws
- List of Officers and Board of Directors
- Financial statements for last completed fiscal year (audited, referred)
- Current general operating budget and special project budget (if applicable)
- List of clients served (if applicable)
- List of other current funding sources and uses
- Biographies of key personnel or resumes (if requested by grant making agency)
- Support letters or endorsements
- Commitment letters from project/program consultants or subcontractors (if applicable)
- Assignment
Module 12: Packaging a winning proposal
Final Examination and Wrap-up
- Final Examination
- Participants Evaluation of Course/Feedback
- Conclusion
Target Audience:
- Individual wishing to develop skills on proposal writing
- Private Organisation seeking to mobilise resource for their work
- Non-Governmental Organisation seeking funding to support their humanitarian work
- Governmental Organisations seeking additional funds to support projects
Technical Requirements
This course is delivered fully online. You will be required to have access to a computer or web-capable mobile device and have consistent access to the internet to either view or download the necessary course resources and to attempt any graded course assessments and the final exam.
To access the full course including assessments and the final exam, you will need to download an application form and enrolled in the course. For example, some of the accessibility and progress tracking features are only available to enrolled participants.
Course Delivery
Interaction with students will be via the Global Human Rights Leadership Training Institute training platform and all course notes and guidelines for study will be delivered and accessible to students in electronic format. (
All the course modules are available to the students at the inception of the course. At the end of each module, an assignment is completed by the students and marked by the course experts. Assignments are in the form of written assignments.
Award of the Certificates
Statistics from previous courses showed that submission of assignments and receiving online tutoring help participants to integrate gender in their various activities. Certificates can be awarded only to those students who:
1) Completed all assignments and Final Exam
2) Obtain a combined final mark of 50% or more for the assignments and Final Exam
Successful students will receive the GHRLTI Certification in Advanced Grant Proposal Writing and Resource Mobilization.
Location: Online [web-based]
Time Commitment
While learning styles can vary considerably and any particular student will take more or less time to learn or read, we estimate that the "average" student will take 76 hours to complete this course. It's a good idea to also schedule your study time in advance and try as best as you can to stick to that schedule.
How to register:
Please email the attached application form to: OR
The deadline for application is 31st January 2017. While full tuition payment is due on 3rd February 2017. However, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. You can also download application form at
Inquiries about the course may be sent to: OR